Tips for Caring for your Headstone
- Each year cut away the grass that starts growing over the cement base or the granite marker.
- To clean a dirty marker, use soft dish soap, like Dawn, mixed with clear water from home. Scrub it with a stiff plastic brush, but not a steel brush, and rinse well. NOTE: The water at the cemetery is well water and contains iron that may discolor the marker and cement surround. Bring your own water from home for best cleaning.
- For mold and algae growing on your marker, mix bleach and water together in a 50/50 mixture. Scrub with a stiff plastic brush with elbow grease and rinse. After it dries, it may need additional treatments, depending on the severity of the issue. Toilet bowl cleaner also works well instead of bleach. Again, bring your own water from home. One to two inches of grass around the marker may die off from the bleach, but it will grow back in a short time.
- Contact your monument professional for additional questions.